Wuhan officeRelease time:2018-06-29 14:37:09

Since its establishment, the company has been growing and developing rapidly. In order to better expand business and serve customers in central China, our company established the wuhan office at the beginning of 2018. The office is located in renxin building, hanyang district, wuhan city.

The establishment of wuhan office is the beginning of the market development of cymbals company, is the extension of the company's marketing function and service function, can effectively shorten the distance with customers, according to customer way of thinking service, exceed customer expectations to carry out service, gradually achieve professional service, enhance brand value. Establishment of an office to facilitate the management of local suppliers. Through the development of customer demand management, supplier management, service management and service innovation, actively build a first-class marketing and service team, constantly expand and strengthen the service, promote the company's sustainable and healthy development.


It is reported that the company from the "people-oriented" point of view: first of all, considering the convenience of staff travel, so in the site selection priority to choose the prime location close to the subway entrance; At the same time, in order to let the staff in wuhan also feel the atmosphere and care of the Shanghai headquarters, the decoration style is unified in accordance with the headquarters of the specifications of the decoration and layout; Secondly, the comfortable casual tea room makes employees feel the warmth of home. Finally, the company also equipped the office with advanced mobile projection equipment and video meeting system, which facilitates the communication between the office and the headquarters and greatly improves the office efficiency.

The function of wuhan office is divided into five parts: front door, office area, conference room, reception room and tea room. Each area is covered with beautiful green plants, which brings fresh air and a good mood of the day to employees and makes them feel comfortable and warm like home.


Front door


Office area


The meeting room


Reception room


The tea room